The Secret of Aldwych Strand

is a trilogy of novellas designed for readers aged 14 and over. They follow the adventures of Lucy Pevensea (class geek) and her best friend, football mad Mark Birch, whose trip to Southend Pier for their half term college history project goes wrong.

Whilst photographing the lower deck, Lucy injures herself. But when Mark goes to rescue her, the friends suddenly find they’re not in Southend – or 2013 – any more.

A Random Act of Kindness in 1909 sees the pair embark on a reckless journey backwards and forwards in time as they try to keep two of Britain’s greatest leaders: Lloyd George and Winston Churchill alive. You see, both men have enemies who want them dead, and (as they are both Fixed Points) Time is not prepared to let this happen.

Click on the book covers below for a brief plot synopsis

1949 affair 1 paper back  version
whitechapel cover
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